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In 1970, Georges Lions took over from his parents’ business as well as their beehives.
In 1970, Georges Lions took over from his parents’ business as well as their beehives.
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Not only is the honey trade well-established here in Provence, but honey is a highly sought-after product. The flora, warm climate and sunshine are essential for growing the ingredients from which this first-rate nectar is made. Georges, an expert in the trade, not only makes lavender honey which he says has been produced organically for over ten years, but also essential lavender oil with its well-known healing properties. All these wonderful delights from the heart of Haute Provence. The...
vom 15 April 2024 bis zum 15 Oktober 2024 Geöffnet jeden tag
Offener Laden: Honig, ätherisches Öl, Lavandinsträuße/-pflanzen. Auf dem Campingplatz von Montdenier oder auf Anfrage
- www.camping-verdon-moustiers.com