Manufacture of faisselle and visit of the maturing cellars

  • Discovery
  • Heritage
  • Regional products
Route de Réotier, 05600 Eygliers
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Do you want some heritage? Here it is! Family animation.
Come and play the apprentice cheese maker by making your own faisselle. During this workshop, you will also have the privilege of visiting the maturing cellars, housed in a monument classified as a Unesco World Heritage Site.

What to bring: something to take home with you: a small cooler.
From 4 years old. Children must be accompanied. Accompanying person required.


Registration required at the Tourist Office.
Free for children under 12 years old.
Groups (Max capacity)
  • 1 Person (s) mini
  • 15 Maximum number of people


Manufacture of faisselle and visit of the maturing cellars
Route de Réotier, 05600 Eygliers
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Manufacture of faisselle and visit of the maturing cellars
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Spoken languages
  • French
  • Meeting point at the Rochambeau barracks.
Updated on 19 August 2024 at 09:35
by Office de Tourisme de Risoul
(Offer identifier : 6097763)
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