Le Pendola

  • Unusual accommodation
, 05260 Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas
Please note that the nearest station is more than
12 metres up in the trees or on the ground, spend a night among the branches, comfortably settled in your cosy nest, like a bird.
Listen to the wind blowing in the leaves and the hooting of an owl, and take the chance to look up at the stars in peace. The pendola can be moved, set up in a natural environment and adapted to all host sites.


4 Person(s)


Overnight stay: € 220 for 4 persons (including organic breakfast).


Le Pendola
, 05260 Saint-Jean-Saint-Nicolas
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Updated on 05 March 2021 at 15:53
by Office de Tourisme du Champsaur Valgaudemar
(Offer identifier : 551064)
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