Le Traffic

  • Diving site
  • Wreck
, 83350 Ramatuelle
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Come and discover this mysterious wreck!!
Traffic is a small cargo boat, probably of Norwegian origin. Sailing boat with a steam engine, the circumstances of its wreck still are mysterious.
Could it be a voluntary wreck? Did it have a collision with a mine ? Why is the hold locked? What does it contain?
The wreck could have been discovered by a coral gatherer several years ago, but this one seems to have stated it officially only in the year 1997, period in which the diving clubs of the coast began to explore it.


Le Traffic
, 83350 Ramatuelle
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • www.ramatuelle-tourisme.com
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  • French
Updated on 17 January 2022 at 13:56
by Office de tourisme et de la culture de Ramatuelle
(Offer identifier : 4697335)
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