Porquerolles Island

  • Island
Île de Porquerolles, 83400 Hyères
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Commonly known as the pearl of the Golden Isles, Porquerolles Island has been definitively protected by National Park status since 2012. It can only be visited on foot or by bike.
Located off the Var coast, Porquerolles is the largest of the Hyères islands. Its east-west arc shape, with jagged edges measuring 7 km long by 3 km wide, and its surface area of 1,250 ha make it the most inhabited and cultivated of the îles d'Or.


Pets welcome
Dogs must be kept on a leash on paths and trails, and are not allowed on beaches.


All year 2025 - Open everyday


Porquerolles Island
Île de Porquerolles, 83400 Hyères
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Porquerolles Island
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  • www.portcros-parcnational.fr
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  • French
Updated on 09 November 2023 at 14:24
by Parc national de Port-Cros
(Offer identifier : 6531623)
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