The monuments of Marseille

Discover the historical heritage of the oldest city in France. The Phocaean city, rich of a history of more than 2600 years, has many monuments which make the happiness of the tourists of the whole world. Discover a selection of the most beautiful monuments of Marseille!

The Basilica of Notre Dame de la Garde

Located on a hill, Notre-Dame de la Garde is visible from all the districts of Marseille. Built during the second half of the 19th century in a neo-Byzantine style, the basilica is surmounted by an impressive statue of the Virgin and Child entirely covered with fine gold. Inside, its walls are covered with beautiful mosaics and many ex-voto. The terraces around the basilica offer an exceptional panorama of the city, the harbor, the coastline of the Côte Bleue, the islands and the hills.

A popular tourist destination, Notre-Dame de la Garde is part of Marseille’s identity. The people of Marseilles go there with their families to ask for the protection of the Good Mother.

Read More : Notre-Dame de la Garde

The Castle of If

Off the coast of Marseille, the Château d’If was erected by François I to protect Marseille from an attack by sea. Its powerful walls threatened enemy ships, before being used as a prison. From the 16th to the 19th century, the fortress housed political opponents. It is the setting for Alexandre Dumas’ novel The Count of Monte Cristo: Edmond Dantes, the hero of the book, is held prisoner there.

You can visit the Château d’If by taking a seat on the maritime shuttles leaving from the Old Port. You can combine your visit to this monument with a trip to the Frioul Islands, where many surprises await you.

Read more : Le Château d’If

The abbey of Saint-Victor

Located on the south shore of the Old Port, this religious monument resembles a fortress with its ramparts and fortified towers. Of Romanesque architecture, the abbey of Saint-Victor shelters in its heart a black virgin. But the visit of this emblematic monument also takes place underground. The abbey was finally built on a former quarry, transformed into a basilica and then into crypts. You can admire many stone sarcophagi there.

You can complete your discovery of the abbey of Saint-Victor by a greedy detour at the Four des Navettes, located a few meters from the monument.

Fort Saint-Jean

In the Middle Ages, a commandery of the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem protected the access to the port of Marseille. Louis XIV reinforced the fortifications. The king also built other fortresses to protect the city and to keep an eye on its inhabitants.

Today, Fort Saint-Jean houses part of the Mucem’s collections. It has become a place of life and a meeting point, and can be visited freely throughout the year. You can walk on the old ramparts and on the esplanades, enjoy the sun, have a meal or a drink.

The Vieille-Charité

In the heart of the historic district of the Panier, the Vieille-Charité was built in the 17th century to house vagrants and destitutes. The architect Pierre Puget designed a majestic architectural ensemble, with a building surrounding a courtyard and a chapel with a baroque-style dome.

The Centre de la Vieille Charité is a major cultural site in Marseille. It is home to the Museum of Mediterranean Archaeology, the Museum of African, Oceanic and Amerindian Arts (MAAOA), and other places devoted to the arts and education.

The Longchamp Palace

For a long time, Marseille lacked a supply of drinking water and suffered from epidemics. In the 19th century, a canal was dug to bring water from the Durance to the city.

The Palais Longchamp celebrates the arrival of water in Marseille, on the site of a huge water tower. The monument consists of two buildings connected by a covered alley with colonnades, and is decorated with sculptures and fountains. The two wings house museums: you can visit the Natural History Museum and the Fine Arts Museum.

The Palais Longchamp is surrounded by an 8-hectare park, with large lawns, flower beds and tall trees that provide welcome shade. A zoological park was once located there, of which some buildings and cages remain.

Read more : Le Palais Longchamp

The Cathedral of La Major

Located between the districts of Panier and Joliette, the cathedral of La Major was built in the 19th century to welcome believers. Built in a neo-Byzantine architectural style, it impresses by its majestic dimensions, comparable to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome: the building is 146 meters long, and its dome is 70 meters high! 3,000 people can gather there at the time of the services. The Cathedral of Saint Mary Major attracts many faithful, curious and visitors throughout the year.

The Voûtes de la Major, located under the square of the cathedral, were converted at the beginning of the 21st century into a shopping center. Stores and restaurants have been set up for a shopping trip or a gourmet break.

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The Cité Radieuse Le Corbusier

The Cité Radieuse, an innovative work by architect Le Corbusier, was revolutionary when it was built between 1947 and 1952. This First Housing Unit consists of 337 apartments, and includes a real interior shopping street, a kindergarten, a gymnasium (transformed in 2013 into a Center for Contemporary Art) and an athletic track on the roof.

The Cité Radieuse had the ambition to revolutionize collective housing: the apartments are spacious, bright and practical, designed with noble materials, equipped with numerous closets and large bay windows. The common areas are designed as real living spaces, with numerous stores, benches and spaces for socializing. You can discover this UNESCO World Heritage Site at your leisure, or take a guided tour.

The Orange Velodrome Stadium

The people of Marseille love soccer, and follow all the games of the Olympique de Marseille. The Orange-Vélodrome stadium has seen some remarkable sporting achievements, and continues to attract the people of Marseille. Spectators cheer on the players during the games. The stadium also regularly hosts concerts and events.

The OM Stadium Tour allows you to discover the backstage of this monument of the sport, with a route that includes the locker room, the edge of the pitch and many other exclusive places like the tunnel or the press area. You can complete your visit with a detour to the store, where you will find many merchandising products with the “OM” logo.

The Pharo Palace

The Palais du Pharo is located high up, at the entrance of the Old Port and facing the Frioul Islands. This tourist monument was built in the 19th century by the city of Marseille, which offered it to Napoleon III as an “imperial residence”. It was once home to a medical school, and today still houses the central offices of the University of Aix-Marseille. You can also find an international congress center of 7000m², where many events take place every year.

The Palais du Pharo is surrounded by a landscaped park, with a large lawn and 84 monumental arches designed by the sculptor Bernar Venet. A playground has been set up for children.
