A taqueria is a restaurant that specializes in tacos, but can also serve other Mexican dishes, mainly antojitos (Mexican tapas).
The story of LoKa began with a couple in love with travel, a trip around the world and a love affair with Mexico. Today, the opening of this taquería is our way of sharing our discoveries with you, and bringing together in our tacos the aromas of Mexican cuisine, occasionally combined with the most delicate flavours of Mediterranean cuisine.
Air conditioning
Car park
Animals accepted
Takeaway sales
- Accessibility
- Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
- Equipment
- Air conditioning
- Parking nearby
- Baby chair
- Services
- Pets welcome
- Restaurant
- Takeaway/cooked dishes
- Evening service
A la carte: 10 to 15 €.
Bank/credit card
Ticket Restaurant card
38 place setting
Groups (Max capacity)
- 100 Maximum number of people
Contact Bongo
- www.taquerialoka.com
Spoken languages