itinerant grocery store
Open form the monday 28 june and open all the others Monday General food, fresh produce, fruit and vegetables, local produce, bread and pastries.
La Bohème grocery shop is present on Mondays
- from 9am to 10am on the car park at the entrance to the village (former information point),
- from 10am to 11am in front of the town hall,
- from 11am to 12pm in the car park of the artisanal zone.
La Bohème grocery shop is present on Mondays
- from 9am to 10am on the car park at the entrance to the village (former information point),
- from 10am to 11am in front of the town hall,
- from 11am to 12pm in the car park of the artisanal zone.
On 25 June 2024
Contact La Bohème