Consacrata nel 1621, è dedicata all'Annunciazione e all'Ascensione del Signore. Riccamente arredata con una pala d'altare in legno intagliato policromo con colonne tortili e cariatidi. Venite a contemplare l'arte barocca di questo magnifico edificio.
Built in 1621, it features a magnificently preserved Baroque-style altarpiece with twisted columns, atlatls supporting the capitals and a vine running along the columns.
The processional accessories are authentic and date back to the 17th c. The bulbous bell tower with its colorful glazed tiles is also reminiscent of the Byzantine style (see chapelle de la Miséricorde des pénitents noirs).
The processional accessories are authentic and date back to the 17th c. The bulbous bell tower with its colorful glazed tiles is also reminiscent of the Byzantine style (see chapelle de la Miséricorde des pénitents noirs).

Contact Chapel of the Annunciation and Ascension of the Lord
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- Village centre