This donkey bridge spans the Verdon at a height of 41 m. Built in the 2nd half of the 17th century, it provided access to the hamlet of Ondres and facilitated the passage of herds going up to the summer pastures.
The stone spouts protect the central pier and the abutments, one of which rests on a rocky mass. Situated on the Verdon bank of the CD 908, it used to be linked to the village by a single path, which you can still follow up the Riou Sec valley, then across the fields of the St. Antoine district to the eponymous oratory. Pont du Moulin or Pont d'Ondres?...locally known as "Pont Romain" in reference to its large arch, or "Pont de Serpegier" after the mountain that dominates it.
Contact Le Pont du Moulin ou Ancien Pont d'Ondres