Pont du Roc

  • Historic site and monument
  • Engineering structure
  • Bridge
  • listed
Place Marcel Sauvaire, 04120 Castellane
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The Pont du Roc is located at the entrance to Castellane, on the way to Grasse. For many years, it was the only bridge over the Verdon, making Castellane a strategic location. Today, it offers a beautiful view of the Verdon valley.
The Pont du Roc is part of the listed Roc site.

The existence of a bridge here goes back a long way, perhaps to ancient times. In 1252, we know of a bridge house, i.e. a hospice.

The present bridge was built in the early years of the 15th century by three master masons from Moustiers, Jean de Torr, Pierre Serralher and Sauveur Arnaud, in association with Orange carpenter and stonemason Jean Felizo. The work seems to have been carried out between 1404 and 1407.

The Pont du Roc has...


Pont du Roc
Place Marcel Sauvaire, 04120 Castellane
Please note that the nearest station is more than
  • www.mairie-castellane.fr
Updated on 25 February 2025 at 09:25
by Castellane Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 4779221)
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