If you dare to get even closer, you'll feel each performer's stage fright, nestled in a slightly tense mouth, a voice that breaks free in a slight guttural rub, a drop of sweat saltier than the water of an open sea.
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It's time, perhaps, to set your sights on hope. Not in a soft gesture of admiring voyeur... no! A voluntary glance that wants to build a world, in the middle of the world, that wants to seize it, this hope, to make it a concrete and determined life.
The Théâtre de la Cité is only a beautiful pretext. It is this place of proximity where sharing can be built. You will see, in the immense diversity of its programming, all the reasons to laugh, to cry, to feel alive, deeply human.
So, if...
The Théâtre de la Cité is only a beautiful pretext. It is this place of proximity where sharing can be built. You will see, in the immense diversity of its programming, all the reasons to laugh, to cry, to feel alive, deeply human.
So, if...
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
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Famille plus
Tourisme et handicap
Tourism and handicap
Marque Tourisme et Handicap - déficience motrice
All year 2024 - Open everyday
Contact Théâtre de la Cité
- www.theatredelacite.fr