Created by 6 passionate about their terroir, the S.A.S Apple des Cimes aims to promote mountain products, Hautes-Alpes, within the framework of an agricultural model respectful of the diversity of our agro-food heritage.
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Created by six passionate about their terroir after several years of research, the Apple Apple des Cimes aims to promote mountain products, particularly Hautes-Alpes, in the context of an agricultural model respectful of the diversity of our heritage food.
This approach involves locating food products and production methods related to our territory, and secondly by producing production economy models.
The products we offer today are made only from apples from altitude plantations. This...
This approach involves locating food products and production methods related to our territory, and secondly by producing production economy models.
The products we offer today are made only from apples from altitude plantations. This...
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