Manade Blanc

  • Fresh and cut meats
  • Herd
Domaine de Paulon, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Authentic 250-hectare Camargue agricultural operation for the breeding of Camargue horses and bulls and the traditional cultivation of rice and durum wheat. Come and discover our life, our traditions and our wonderful landscapes and stay in the peace and comfort of one of the oldest Mas in Camargue. Direct sale of bulls' meat.
  • Ils s'engagent
    With its bull and horse farms, rice paddies, vast pastures and old buildings, the Domaine de Paulon is a true concentrate of the Camargue! Situated between Arles, the sea and the banks of the Rhône, this organic farm is the fruit of generations of hard work. In the heart of the Camargue Natural Park, the Blanc family preserves the traditional Camargue bull breed. Many of them are used in the bullfighting games that enliven Provence's arenas in the summer months. The manade also includes horses essential to the gardians. Semi-freed in the vast open spaces, they are part of the living landscape of these rich, distinctive lands.


Equestrian sports
Guided tours
Quality standards
Valeurs Parc Naturel RégionalValeurs Parc Naturel Régional


Manade Blanc
Domaine de Paulon, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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Updated on 20 September 2024 at 10:31
by Office de Tourisme d'Arles
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