With flowers: honeys and jams
From the rolling meadows of the Hautes-Alpes to Mediterranean shores, via sweet-scented garrigue, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur offers an incredible diversity of flowers for the greatest pleasure of our bees, honey producers, jam makers… and foodies! If you appreciate the smell of thyme, rosemary and savory, opt for a “Miel de Fleurs de Provence” for your pancakes – but don’t forget to check the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) label to be sure of its 100% Provencal origin. If you’re mad about wild thyme, rhododendron or raspberry, go for a “Miel de Montagne” produced in the Southern Alps. And if you’re a fan of single flower honey, we of course recommend our fragrant and creamy must-taste lavender honey! Whatever your favourite, make sure you spread it evenly over the whole crepe for a sweet snack or dessert. As a bonus, you can even add a little squeeze of lemon for a touch of acidity. To give your pancakes an even more pronounced floral taste, why not sample our flower jams? Refined and delicately scented, the region’s lavender, Provence violet, mimosa, Grasse rose and jasmine specialties promise to spike up your pancake party with a creative touch.