Cap Garonne

  • Diving site
  • rock
  • Scree
Cap Garonne, 83220 Le Pradet
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Diving on Cap Garonne at the foot of the Oursinado restaurant
Like a hand placed towards the south, with fingers of living stone. Let yourself slip between these fingers until you reach the edge of the herbarium, at around 25 metres, then climb back up by jumping from phalanx to phalanx.
From 12 metres onwards you will find the characteristic scree of the red baux.

Site for all levels.


Cap Garonne
Cap Garonne, 83220 Le Pradet
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Cap Garonne
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Updated on 09 February 2024 at 11:12
by Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée
(Offer identifier : 5363783)
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