The Blue Coast and the Estaque Hills

  • Coast
, 13620 Carry-le-Rouet
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The Cote Bleue has a limestone and indented coastline that stretches over some thirty kilometres between Martigues and Marseille.
The Côte Bleue (Blue Coast) is a jagged limestone coastline that stretches for 30 kilometres between Martigues and Marseille. It is a succession of calanques (coves), little creeks and beaches nestling against the Estaque Hills

One side of this chain encloses the Bay of Marseille on the north-west and, at the same time, its other side protects the basin of Berre Lagoon. It is a limestone arc of wild landscape, cut into by narrow winding vales at medium altitudes (180 - 280 m).
The hills...


The Blue Coast and the Estaque Hills
, 13620 Carry-le-Rouet
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact The Blue Coast and the Estaque Hills
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  • Between 1 June and 30 September, access to the forests is regulated by prefectoral decree and may be regulated by municipal decree, for your safety and the preservation of sensitive sites. Before you decide to go for a walk, call 0811 20 13 13. Every day, you will be able to find out whether the site where you wish to go for a walk is open all day long, open only in the morning, or completely closed. Depending on the weather conditions, the level of danger "forest fire" (green, yellow, orange, red) is known at the latest at 6pm for the next day.
Updated on 18 February 2021 at 09:38
by Provence Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5473505)
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