The river Rhône

  • River
13200 Arles
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The Rhône and its delta not only gave their name to the department, this peaceful and majestic river is also the backbone of the Bouches-du-Rhône.
The Rhone and its delta have not only given their name to the department, but this peaceful and majestic river also forms the backbone of the Bouches-du-Rhone. From Avignon to the Camargue beaches, the river passes through the most authentic Provençal landscapes. Famous for a long time for the rapidity of its current and the fury of its floods, the Rhone was only really developed from the 19th century, with diking and the creation of locks and canals.
Along its banks stand Avignon,...


Swimming is forbidden


The river Rhône
13200 Arles
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Updated on 18 February 2022 at 10:37
by Provence Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5473545)
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