In the heart of the Hautes-Alpes, the village of Chabottes was built in the splendid landscapes of the Southern French Alps and Champsaur.
By choosing to take the discreet roads that lead to this charming village, you will revitalize yourself far from the hectic pace of the big cities.
Are you taking advantage of your stay to indulge in unusual or more classic outdoor activities? The village is the starting point of many hiking trails: demanding hikes or short walks, you will find itineraries adapted to amateurs or great walkers. In the surrounding area, there are many outdoor activities: horse riding, golf initiation, climbing, tree climbing, paragliding…
Fruits and vegetables (strawberries, grapes, melons, peaches, apricots, cherries, courgettes), seafood and fish, wines, olives from Provence… The diversity of climates and soils in the south-east of France has given birth to many regional specialties. The terroir is part of the identity of the village of Chabottes, where producers passionate about their craft have developed tasty local specialties.
The local historical and cultural heritage conceals remarkable treasures that are little known: churches or abbeys, old houses, manors, castles… To find ideas for activities, you can contact the Tourist Office. Are you looking for accommodation near Chabottes? You wish to stay in the heart of the Southern French Alps? Discover quality accommodation.