
  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Town / Village
Mairie, 04300 Dauphin
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Classified as a "Village and Town of Character", Dauphin is one of the most beautiful perched villages, which still has many medieval gates, remains of the old ramparts and a tower of the Count's castle topped by a statue of the Virgin Mary.
With an architecture of stone amid wooded hills, Dauphin is one of the most beautiful hilltop villages of the Haute-Provence. The plain at his feet, crossed by the Loose and Laye, is rich in history. In Roman times, it is crossed by Domitian Way, called here Seinet Road, which connects Spain to Italy. And its surroundings are inhabited today's farms, which succeeded the Gallo-Roman villas, revealed over time many valuable relics: mosaics, aqueducts, inscriptions, pottery ... It was only...


Mairie, 04300 Dauphin
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • www.dauphin-commune.fr
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  • French
Updated on 09 August 2022 at 09:23
by Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Haute Provence Pays de Banon
(Offer identifier : 2800205)
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