Hamlet located 3km from the town centre. Founded around 758 by the people of Cuers to escape the Saracens. You can see the Saint Louis chapel, the bread oven, 2 fountains and the symbolic "Tree of Liberty" planted in 1848.
Founded by the inhabitants of Cuers in the middle of the 7th century (around the year 758) who fled from the Saracens and took refuge in the woods. The chapel dedicated to Saint Louis was built in 1723 and completed in 1724 thanks to the generosity of the Valcrosians, as this place of worship meant that they did not have to go to the village. Two washbasins adorn the hamlet. The symbolic hackberry tree "Tree of Liberty" was planted in the hamlet square in 1848 by Paulin Teisseire and Désiré Ruy.
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