Hôtel de ville

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Neo-Classical
Place de l'église, 13910 Maillane
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Built in 1862 in the neo-classical style to plans by Girard, an architect from Saint-Rémillon.
Building of neoclassical style, it was built in 1862 according to the plans of architect saint-remois, M.Girard.Can be seen in the wedding room a large canvas of the provencal painter-writer Valère Bernard, representing a medley performed by life-size characters. It was created in 1896 custom Mistral who acquired him for a thousand francs and offered it to the commune.The Farandole, traditional dance is a symbol of popular culture so dear to Mistral. It is a dance that is spreading in the...


Hôtel de ville
Place de l'église, 13910 Maillane
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • www.maillane.fr
Updated on 13 June 2023 at 13:40
by Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de Terre de Provence
(Offer identifier : 5538051)
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