La Fontaine Vieille

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Fountain
place Fontaine Vieille, 83680 La Garde-Freinet
Please note that the nearest station is more than
This fountain was for many years the only one in the village, it was fully restored in 1812. The new monumental fountain has three linked basins each fed by a grotesque pagan mask. The overflow fees a small stone trough.
The size of the fountain emphasizes the importance of the water supply points at a time when water didn't arrive directly in the houses. In former times the use was strictly regulated and the fines for misuse were rather heavy and discouraging. There were limits to the number of people drawing water at the same time so as not to suddenly lower the level in the basins. Vegetables had to be cleaned of soil and roots so as not to dirty the water. Meat could only be washed at lamb and roe deer...


La Fontaine Vieille
place Fontaine Vieille, 83680 La Garde-Freinet
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact La Fontaine Vieille
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Updated on 05 December 2023 at 16:13
by Communauté de communes du golfe de Saint Tropez
(Offer identifier : 4724430)
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