L'Oppidum du Castellas

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Ruins and remains
  • Fortified town
  • listed
  • Gallo-roman
, 83210 Solliès-Toucas
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The oppidum is located on the hill of Castellas, overlooking at 349 meters of altitude the left bank of the Gapeau. We are in the presence of the ruins of a fortification testifying to a Ligurian or pre-Roman settlement. There is no marked path leading to the site.
The presence of archaic grey ceramics and Etruscan amphorae attest to the fact that the site was occupied from the 5th century BC. The site shows the ruins of a fortification. It covers more than five hectares, which makes it one of the largest in Provence. The surrounding wall must have had about fifteen towers and two monumental entrances.


L'Oppidum du Castellas
, 83210 Solliès-Toucas
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • Forest location
Updated on 14 August 2021 at 10:42
by Office de Tourisme Intercommunal de la Vallée du Gapeau
(Offer identifier : 902001)
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