Nestled on a promontory amidst a vast expanse of vines, Cairanne is a picturesque winegrowing village with breathtaking views from its old village, terraces and belvedere.
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Explore the old town as you wander through the narrow streets and calades. They'll take you to the keep, then on to the chapel of Saint-Roch, just a stone's throw from the Porte d'Autan.
Follow the ramparts that surround the village, and soak up centuries of history.
You'll then discover the three towers of Cairanne, remnants of the Templar Commandery, and the parish church of Saint-André, a blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles. The charming chapels of Notre-Dame des Excès and...
Follow the ramparts that surround the village, and soak up centuries of history.
You'll then discover the three towers of Cairanne, remnants of the Templar Commandery, and the parish church of Saint-André, a blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles. The charming chapels of Notre-Dame des Excès and...
Contact Village de Cairanne