The two mills which make the pride of Régusse are of indefinite origin, they would date from XII° and XIII° Centuries.
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One of the two mills was completely restored and veiled in 1995. Six months were necessary to reconstitute this complex in accordance with the original plans of the mills of Provence (1640) such as the Saint Roch de Grimaud or Daudet mills in Fontvieille.
The second mill has only been partially restored. It has no mechanism. It houses an agricultural eco-museum.
The association Les Amis des Moulins de Régusse offers guided tours on history, restoration and operation.
The operation...
The second mill has only been partially restored. It has no mechanism. It houses an agricultural eco-museum.
The association Les Amis des Moulins de Régusse offers guided tours on history, restoration and operation.
The operation...
From 1 May 2025 until 30 September 2025 - Open everyday
Contact Windmills
- lesamisdesmoulinsderegusse.fr
- www.lacs-gorges-verdon.fr
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