Slydee: retro-futuristic jazz-funk / fun and uninhibited / bombshell of the year
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"Herbie Hancock won't be following up "Sunlight"? Daft Punk will never reform? Prince is dead? Was Snarky Puppy better before? Don't worry, Sylvain Daniel, aka SlyDee, will make you forget all about it with his new album, a little miracle of invention if ever there was one" (Jazz Magazine)
An avalanche of compliments has accompanied the new project from genius bassist Sylvain Daniel, a collaborator of Jeanne Added, Thomas de Pourquery and Laurent Bardainne, who brings together a whole...
An avalanche of compliments has accompanied the new project from genius bassist Sylvain Daniel, a collaborator of Jeanne Added, Thomas de Pourquery and Laurent Bardainne, who brings together a whole...
full price €17
reduced price €12
Degressive prices will apply depending on the number of concerts you choose.
reduced price €12
Degressive prices will apply depending on the number of concerts you choose.
Opening times
On 25 January 2025 at 20:30
Spoken languages