14 december > 2 february

Crèches in the Churches in Avignon

  • Traditions and folklore
  • Exhibition
  • Christmas
Différents églises de la ville, Différents églises de la ville, 84000 Avignon
Please note that the nearest station is more than
As is the custom in Provence and in the Comtat Venaissin, Christmas crèches are displayed in the churches to celebrate the Nativity. Crèche scenes appeared in Italy in the 13th century. Here in Provence, the crèche scene with the santons represents all the different persons in Provençal society,
The crèche was created in Italy in the 13th century, to celebrate the birth of Christ. The original Crèche scene showed the baby Jesus with the Holy Family and the ox and ass, around the manger where the baby lay. Over time, other figures were added, and in the 19th century in Provence, countless santons - little saints - were added to represent the different inhabitants of the Provencal villages, such as the miller, shepherd, drummer (tambourinaïre), wood carrier, fisherman, farmer,...

Opening times

From 1 January 2025 until 2 February 2025 - Open everyday
Dates subject to change.

Schedules subject to change.


Crèches in the Churches in Avignon
Différents églises de la ville, Différents églises de la ville, 84000 Avignon
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • www.diocese-avignon.fr
Spoken languages
  • French
Updated on 14 November 2024 at 14:02
by Office de Tourisme Avignon Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 4616963)
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