Exposition - "Rêve de fort"

  • Cultural
  • Exhibition
Centre du Patrimoine de Nice, 14 rue Jules Gilly, 06300 Nice
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Inspired by an idea from the Ville d'art et d'histoire department, the Mont-Aban fort was proposed as a subject for study by students on the Interior Architecture and Luxury Scenography Masters course at the Ecole de Condé!
For several weeks, they reflected on the possible future of this monument, with the brief of designing new uses for the fort with a strong cultural bias.

Some proposed highly cultural approaches (a museum or escape game), while others were more commercial (a tapas bar, a wine and olive-growing estate).

Whether wise or daring, these projects reflect architectural creativity at the service of heritage enhancement.


Exposition - "Rêve de fort"
Centre du Patrimoine de Nice, 14 rue Jules Gilly, 06300 Nice
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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Updated on 06 June 2023 at 15:33
by Office de Tourisme Métropolitain Nice Côte d'Azur
(Offer identifier : 6552817)
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