The guardroom becomes a projection surface, featuring landscapes, scenes of life and the construction of forts...
A 20-minute show that provides the keys to understanding the fortified village and facilitating its discovery.
A 20-minute show that provides the keys to understanding the fortified village and facilitating its discovery.
Enjoy a unique experience and let yourself be transported to the heart of history.
A real plunge into the past, this multimedia show takes you back in time and space to discover the key moments in Colmars' history.
Proposed by the Municipality of Colmars and its partners: Conseil départemental des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Région SUD & FNADT.
A real plunge into the past, this multimedia show takes you back in time and space to discover the key moments in Colmars' history.
Proposed by the Municipality of Colmars and its partners: Conseil départemental des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Région SUD & FNADT.
Not accessible in a wheelchair
exposition immersive fort de savoie Missing video caption