Natural Area Orienteering Sports

  • Sport
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Orientation course
Chemin Margherite de Trians, 83630 Régusse
Please note that the nearest station is more than
In a natural space, go to the discovery of the
orientation and get to know each other
the simple techniques of this sport using a card
and compass.
The different routes:

The "Curiocity" heading: for sale 2.50 €. A nature walk to discover Régusse. A 4 km 050 km course, which will make you discover the riches of Régusse. This activity is for beginners and is also suitable for families. In a few words the goal of the game is to find terminals or mini-terminals using a card, answer a question, the terminal (made of wood) is equipped with a clamp and you must punch to get the answer.

The discovery booklet: 11.90 €
Green route:...


Car park
  • Equipment
  • Car park

  • Picnic area


Access to the natural orientation area is open to all and free of charge, only the Cap curiocity and the discovery booklet are for sale.


All year 2025 - Open everyday

Subject to favorable weather


Natural Area Orienteering Sports
Chemin Margherite de Trians, 83630 Régusse
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Natural Area Orienteering Sports
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  • French
Updated on 05 December 2023 at 10:21
by Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
(Offer identifier : 5040707)
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