Here are our sustainable development initiatives: - We are an LPO refuge. - Recycled, second-hand and reused materials for the construction of our rooms. - Breakfast made up mainly of local, fresh, home-made products. - We always favour short circuits. - Recovery of rainwater and swimming pool water for irrigation. - Recycled spa water (each time the spa is emptied, it is stored in a tank and then reused for watering). - Natural terrain enhanced by several retention basins to improve rainwater drainage. - Planting of endemic plants with good resistance to drought. - Planting of local and varied species to encourage biodiversity (bees, various insects). - Installation of nesting boxes to attract birds (tits, blackbirds, swallows, etc.). - Purchasing our cleaning products from a local company. - Buying our raw materials in bulk (no packaging). - We promote and recommend our products to our customers in restaurants in Saint Cyr sur mer, Bandol and La Cadière d'Azur.