Many species to watch
Did you know that there are 11 species of cetaceans in the Mediterranean? 8 of them are quite easy to see: the Striped Dolphin, the Large Dolphin, Risso’s Dolphin, the Pilot Whale, Cuvier’s beaked whale, the Sperm Whale and the Fin Whale which is the biggest mammal in the world after the Blue Whale. And if you’re really patient, you may even see other species such as sharks, turtles, swordfish, sunfish etc. If you’re lucky enough to see one, take the time to watch their very specific behaviours. On the boat, they will explain the factors which can explain their presence or absence off our coastlines: searching for food, mating or even physiological capacities. It’s a real pleasure to make the most of a sea outing and see our beautiful coastline which is the habitat of so many marine species. And don’t worry, it is extremely rare to not see anything during a “whale watching” outing! Choose the right service provider to accompany you and get a better chance of seeing the sought-after cetaceans in their natural habitat. Most of them are in the Var or the Alpes Maritimes, such as l’Atlantide in Bandol and BeeFreetoDive in Villeneuve-Loubet.