The unavoidable genepi
A plant which flourishes in the Alps
Are you wondering where you can find genepi? In the Southern Alps of course! And believe us, it’s a plant with a fair amount of surprises in store. This fragile protected species is subject to limited picking conditions. Olivier grows it lovingly and then processes it in his workshop. Delicious jams and other products await you in Les Prads, in the municipality of Saint-Paul sur Ubaye. At Chez Guillaumette, they use the resources of the Champsaur and traditional methods to make a typical alcohol: genepi liqueur. We recommend stopping by the factory to find out how it’s made. In the Mercantour, genepi flourishes due to an ideal mountain climate. You can find it in the composition of the products of the Ferme des Mérinos in Utelle. A piece of advice: you just must taste the confit de génépi (genepi chutney) a sweet and savoury mix for original flavours!