A precious and protected nature
A few kilometres from the village of Correns, the Argens river winds its way along the foot of white limestone cliffs. The coastal river bathes a unique vegetation with its pure waters. Wild flowers bloom at the foot of the water, in the shade of poplars, ash trees and willows. The sarsaparilla invites itself to the edges of the paths, while the ivy attacks the trunks, in search of the sun.
Many birds have taken up residence in the Vallon Sourn. The white-throated dipper, a strange bird with a short tail, finds the aquatic insects it loves in the Argens. Swallows, alpine swifts, crows and great horned owls nest in the cliffs. The rocky crevices are also home to colonies of bats. The most observant walkers also notice the presence of small mammals, which sneak into the thickets.
The waters of the Argens are home to numerous trout, as well as chubs, souffias, barbels, gudgeons and loaches.