Communication Y

  • Historic site and monument
  • Military Patrimony
  • UNESCO World Heritage
  • Town of Art & History
  • Classical
  • 18th C
  • Classified
Porte de pignerol Cité vauban 05100 Briançon
Please note that the nearest station is more than
An atypical structure in the history of fortification, this covered passage had a triple function: to ensure communication between the Trois Têtes fort and the Randouillet fort, to block the Fontchristiane valley and to protect the drinking water tank.
Built between 1724 and 1734, this atypical work in the history of fortification allows, as its name indicates, the link between two forts: the Trois Têtes fort and the Randouillet fort.
Its name "Y" comes from the military atlas which classified the works with letters of the alphabet. So don't look for any resemblance with the letter Y!
The structure takes the form of a long gallery 200 m long and 4.50 m wide. It is built of masonry and is barrel vaulted, so that soldiers could cross it...


Guided individual tours
Guided group tours


Communication Y
Porte de pignerol Cité vauban 05100 Briançon
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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Updated on 30 January 2023 at 09:57
by Mairie de Briançon
(Offer identifier : 341289)
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