Fort de Roche-la-Croix

  • Historic site and monument
  • Military Patrimony
  • Fort
04530 Val d'Oronaye
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Roche-la-Croix is a stone (19th century) and reinforced concrete (20th century) complex - evidence of the relentless escalation of the arms race.
The redoubt (1900 m) and the Roche-la-Croix battery (2100 m) were built between 1884 and 1889 on the model of General Séré de Rivières.

The whole complex, a lock on the Col de Larche, covers the Viraysse battery (2770 m) on its left flank and Fort Tournoux to the rear.

At 1900 m, a concrete structure, dug under the stone structure, was built from 1931 to 1936, as part of the Maginot Line of the Alps.

Like all "Maginot" forts, only the fighting blocks - 6 in this case - are visible,...

Groups (Max capacity)

  • 18 Maximum number of people


Fort de Roche-la-Croix
04530 Val d'Oronaye
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Fort de Roche-la-Croix
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  • French
Updated on 25 July 2024 at 15:24
by Ubaye Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 4859191)
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