It was built between 1886 and 1903, on the summit of the same name at 2529 m. A 900-metre long underground structure, which extends the Maginot line, was added between 1931 and 1937. It has the Label Patrimoine du XXème siècle en région PACA.
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The Janus fort was built to the north-east of the Briançon square, above the Gondran position. This modern, fully tested fort is the highest in the square and the most advanced on the Italian border. It is made up of two parts, an infantry blockhouse built in 1887 and an underground section built in 1898. A frontal action casemate was built to flank the Gondran defence line. It was armed with 4 x 95mm cannons on coastal mountings. It is the only casemate of this type built in France....