La source de Fontchaude

, 04420 La Javie
Please note that the nearest station is more than
This constant-temperature spring lies between the Clues de Barles and Péouré, at the heart of the Haute-Provence Geopark.
The Fontchaude spring owes its name to the fact that it doesn't freeze in winter. In summer, the water is pleasantly refreshing for walkers. Its fairly constant temperature is due to a long, deep journey through a karstic (underground) network. The water is thus protected from outside temperature variations, and then emerges into the open air through a fault that acts like a drain. The spring gushes out at the foot of a large limestone bar streaked with marl layers. Here, the landscape tells...


La source de Fontchaude
, 04420 La Javie
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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  • French
Updated on 27 June 2024 at 16:34
by Provence Alpes Agglomération (PAA)
(Offer identifier : 6883147)
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