Pont Saint Roch

  • Historic site and monument
  • Engineering structure
  • Bridge
  • listed
  • 17th C
, 04370 Colmars
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Already in existence when the city's fortification plans were drawn up in the late 17th century, it wasn't until two centuries later that the Pont Saint Roch acquired its current appearance, with the addition of two wings on the downstream side.
The Saint-Roch bridge is a single-arch bridge of more or less segmental form. It features a single row of ashlar keystones, irregularly coursed. The opening is 16 m long, with a total length of 19 m and a width of 3.60 m, including the two 40 cm parapets. Its spire measures 6.50 m. The rest of the masonry is rubble block. The bolt holes can still be seen perfectly at the vault's two naissances. In the 19th century, two wings were added on the downstream side, each supported by a relief arch....


Pont Saint Roch
, 04370 Colmars
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Pont Saint Roch
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Updated on 16 March 2022 at 15:57
by Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Verdon Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 5319660)
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