Set against a handsome rocky cliff, the venerable houses of Valderoure form a line overlooking a vast meadow.
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The town of Valderoure, which means “valley of the oaks” in French, stretches along the verdant plain of the La Lane, with small hamlets exuding copious charm:
- in Malamaire, admire an old noble house with a round tower;
- in Valentin, see the ancient Saint Léonce chapel and a Roman sarcophagus;
- in La Ferrière, visit the small enchanting chapel.
Things to do & Sights to see :
• The old fortified manor
• Saint Léonce chapel
• Roman sarcophagus
• Saint Roch shrine
- in Malamaire, admire an old noble house with a round tower;
- in Valentin, see the ancient Saint Léonce chapel and a Roman sarcophagus;
- in La Ferrière, visit the small enchanting chapel.
Things to do & Sights to see :
• The old fortified manor
• Saint Léonce chapel
• Roman sarcophagus
• Saint Roch shrine