For its third edition, the Festival du Dessin celebrates the museum's 30th anniversary with two exhibitions by Colette Renée Portal, first wife of Jean-Michel Folon, the year's star artist.
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Born in Paris in 1936, Colette Renée Portal studied art history, drawing and oil painting with the Coutant sisters and photography.
The Life of a Queen
Her curiosity for insects inspired her to create the album La Vie d'une reine (The Life of a Queen) in 1959, which was to become one of her greatest successes. Visitors to this site will be able to admire the delightful inks and watercolors, all delicate and poetic.
1st floor exhibition room
Journey to Pompeii
From 1996 onwards, Colette Portal made frequent trips to Italy, mainly to Pompeii, from which she drew some remarkable pictures, collected in the album Le Voyage à Pompéi, and which visitors can discover in the midst of the museum's permanent collections - a unique scenographic experience, where the art of the present and the art of the past are in harmonious dialogue.
In the permanent collections
"In Pompeii, in the ruins of fragile houses, remain paintings destined to be erased.
With the slightest tremor, the slightest quake, each gentle or torrential downpour, gullies trickle down the gray flagstones of the via, carrying in their wake the tiniest fragments of resistant paint, the last traces still visible of what was once the luxuriance, splendor and beauty of everyday things. Pompeian red fades, golden ochre yellows fade, lapis lazuli turn grey. See Pompeii and live. Colette Portal
Born in Paris in 1936, Colette Renée Portal studied art history, drawing and oil painting with the Coutant sisters and photography.
The Life of a Queen
Her curiosity for insects inspired her to create the album La Vie d'une reine (The Life of a Queen) in 1959, which was to become one of her greatest successes. Visitors to this site will be able to admire the delightful inks and watercolors, all delicate and poetic.
1st floor exhibition room
Journey to Pompeii
From 1996 onwards,...