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Nearly 600 paintings, sculptures and archaeological pieces are on display: paintings from the 17th century French school, a room devoted to Paul Cézanne with 9 oil paintings, the Cézanne to Giacometti Collection (works by Giacometti, Picasso, Léger, Klee, de Staël, Tal Coat, Velde...) as well as collections from the European schools (Flemish, Italian, Dutch) with ubens, Rembrandt... a sculpture gallery, and an Entremont room (Celto-Ligurian sculptures from the Entremont archaeological site)...
The Granet Museum's modern art collection was significantly enlarged in 2010 with the 15-year loan, by the Jean and Suzanne Planque Foundation, of the collection of Swiss painter and collector Jean Planque, who died in 1998.
The collection comprises some 300 paintings, drawings and sculptures from the impressionists and post-impressionists Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, Degas and Redon to the leading artists of the 20th century such as Bonnard, Rouault, Picasso, Braque, Dufy, Laurens, Léger, Klee, Bissière, de Staël and Dubuffet.
Audioguide is available directly at the musem (english, german, spanish, japonese, italian), with extra.
Nearly 600 paintings, sculptures and archaeological pieces are on display: paintings from the 17th century French school, a room devoted to Paul Cézanne with 9 oil paintings, the Cézanne to Giacometti Collection (works by Giacometti, Picasso, Léger, Klee, de Staël, Tal Coat, Velde...) as well as collections from the European schools (Flemish, Italian, Dutch) with ubens, Rembrandt... a sculpture gallery, and an Entremont room (Celto-Ligurian sculptures from the Entremont archaeological...