004 TransVerdon Tronçon - Des Lacs de Lignin à la Colle-Saint-Michel
Sport, Cycling sports, Mountain biking itinerary
in Colmars
2h 30min
Very difficult
From the plateau, the route rises to its highest point: the Baisse de Détroit, at 2472 m! The scenery is simply sumptuous, and a change of scenery is guaranteed. Once over the pass, it's a long single climb up the mountainside to La Colle-Saint-Michel.
- Departure
- Colmars
Difference in height
- 423.793 m
Plain text rates
- Free access.
Plain text period
All year round.
Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.
- GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
- See all reviews
- 424 meters of difference in height
- Maximum altitude : 2460 m
- Minimum altitude : 1396 m
- Total positive elevation : 424 m
- Total negative elevation : -1256 m
- Max positive elevation : 64 m
- Min positive elevation : -462 m