Shop around during the Fête de la Lavande in Barrême
Make the most of the Fête de la Lavande in Barrême, and wander around in the lovely aromatic scents. And why not find yourself a bargain to light up your home in the flea market or the garage sale. The weekend takes place in a village in the Alpes de Haute Provence on the “Route Napoléon” which goes from Nice to Digne and pays homage to this lovely flower which is part of the spirit of Provence. Every year at the end of July there are many events which include the Marché du Terroir et Produits Dérivés à la Lavande (regional and lavender-based products market), a garage sale and around forty enthusiastic exhibitors. You’ll see them on the Place de l’Eglise and in the street leading to the distillery.