A couple of hikers taking a lunch break on the terrace of a refuge in Colmars in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region. ©A couple of hikers taking a lunch break on the terrace of a refuge in Colmars|Van Rijn.RMulti-day hiking in the Sud region: where can I sleep and eat?Even though hiking trails are the same for everyone, there are different ways of spending your nights and having meals that will mark your hikes. Whether you are adventurous or...Group hike in the Mercantour National Park in the Alpes Maritimes ©Group hikes in the Mercantour National Park landscapes |Rondeau.ESome good reasons for following multi-day hiking trails in the Sud regionFrom the high mountains to the Côte d’Azur, the Sud region has many magnificent hikes which invite you to discover magnificent unspoiled landscapes. Here are a few good reasons...Hikers looking at a map in the Haut Verdon in the Alpes de Haute Provence©Hikers looking at a map in the Haut Verdon|Van Rijn.RWalking on the hiking trails in the South of France: best practicesTo enjoy hiking to the full, you need to be well prepared. Find out how to understand the trail markings, assess the level of difficulty, hike responsibly, anticipate weather...Pont Avignon Vaucluse Jpeter©Pont Avignon Vaucluse JpeterTake it to the bridge in May!A warm and deliciously carefree time of year, the month of May heralds the official start of summer and, of course, France’s famous succession of long weekends (referred...Carrieres Lumiere Baux De Provence Bouches Du Rhone Calleva©Carrieres Lumiere Baux De Provence Bouches Du Rhone CallevaTop timeless tours and activities in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’AzurSome places possess a mysterious aura that seemingly propels us into a different dimension, where time stands still. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur overflows with such...Fleurs Champ Massifdesmaures Var Yl Magadure©Fleurs Champ Massifdesmaures Var Yl Magadure|Y.Le Magadure6 spring flowers to look out for on your strolls in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’AzurWhen we think of Provencal flora, lavender and mimosa come straight to mind of course. But plenty of other flower varieties have chosen to thrive in Provence-Alpes-Côte...Bergère Ubaye Maison De La Transhumance (1)©Bergère Ubaye Maison De La Transhumance (1)La Routo® : from transhumance trail to hikingWhether you’re hiking lovers, nature lovers or just adventurers, on the GR®69 La Routo® itinerary, which links the Plain of La Crau in lower Provence to the Alpine Valle...Oratoire Miette Chemin Des Roys ©Oratoire Miette Chemin Des Roys |S.Singh - PNR Sainte-BaumeIn the Footsteps of Saint Mary MagdaleneStep out in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur for a combined hike and pilgrimage in the footsteps of Saint Mary Magdalene with our spiritual itinerary running from Les...Happy smiling redhead woman looks out from window traveling by train©Happy smiling redhead woman looks out from window traveling by train|hobo_018 / IstockThe Train des Chemins de fer de Provence : a trip from the Côte d’Azur to the foothills of the AlpsClimb aboard the Train des Pignes and set off on a great trip from the Côte d’Azur to the Southern French Alps and Provence. From Nice to Digne-les-Bains, this itinerary of the...Vallée des Merveilles©Vallée des Merveilles|CRT Côte d'Azur / Georges VERANDiscovering the valleys of the Alpes-Maritimes with the Train des MerveillesExplore the Alpes-Maritimes on the Train des Merveilles. From Nice to Tende, this TER railway line goes through a variety of landscapes, from the Mediterranean to the...Train de la Côte Bleue©Train de la Côte Bleue|Mouton.AWith the Train de la Côte Bleue: a selection of hikesThe Côte Bleue, which gets its name from the beautiful colour of the water, stretches from Marseille to Martigues to the West of the Mediterranean city. With its calanques in...Horse trekking on the Napoleon RoadSaddle up for one of the world’s most illustrious horse treks on the Napoleon Road in the footsteps of an emperor! Climb aboard your trusty steed for a foray into the...
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