Johann Fine et Béatrice Devos

  • Unternehmen zur Besichtigung
  • Kunstgewerbe
Place de l'Eglise, 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
Achtung, der nächste Bahnhof ist mehr als
As is common in the faïence trade, businesses are often family-run which is precisely the case for the Fine family.

Originally established in Fox-Amphoux, the workshop was run by Géorgina and Michel Fine. In 1964, Michel and his nephew Johann were the first to arrive in Moustiers, quickly followed by Johann’s brother, Vania, and finally their parents to open their first family-run workshop.
In 2001, finally knowing the art of faïence like the back of his hand, Johann decided to embark on something new: pottery (glazed earthenware).
This meant that not only were new pieces added to the collection, but...


Johann Fine et Béatrice Devos
Place de l'Eglise, 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
Achtung, der nächste Bahnhof ist mehr als
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Aktualisiert am 19 Januar 2022 Um 12:02
gei Office de tourisme de Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
(Kennung des Angebots : 5580649)
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