Atelier Bondil

  • Geschäfte
  • Dekoration / Wohnungsausstattung / Kreation
  • Handarbeit
  • Keramiker
Höhe : 578m
Au pied du village au rond-point de Manaysse 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
Achtung, der nächste Bahnhof ist mehr als
Ceramic creator with traditional know-how, the Atelier Bondil realizes an original and authentic faience. The company is certified Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant and company of the UNESCO Geoparc of Haute-Provence.
For more than 40 years, we have perpetuated, with rigor and passion, the work of the Master Faïenciers who have shaped, since the 17th century, the fame of excellence and elegance of the faience of Moustiers.
All stages of preparation, fabrication, finishing and decoration are entirely handmade by talented and highly skilled craftsmen, giving each object its unique and artistic character.
Respectful of traditional styles, we also decline our know-how on contemporary collections of original...


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Atelier Bondil
Höhe : 578m
Au pied du village au rond-point de Manaysse 04360 Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
Achtung, der nächste Bahnhof ist mehr als
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Aktualisiert am 10 Januar 2024 Um 15:45
gei Office de tourisme de Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
(Kennung des Angebots : 2812831)
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