History and nature in the Vaucluse
The Requien Natural History Museum in Avignon was named after Esprit Requien, an 18th century Avignonnais and a naturalist renowned in the scientific world. The museum’s large collection traces the wildlife of the Vaucluse from Prehistoric times. You can see many naturalized animals and a beautiful collection of fossils (giant sharks’ teeth, skull of Tyrannosaurus). Another venue opposite the Harmas of the famous naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre can be found in the Naturoptère in Sérignan du Comtat. In the cultural and educational centre dedicated to nature and the environment, short animations are shown every 30 minutes along with short capsules which allow you to find out more about nature and its inhabitants. Wander around the gardens of this scientific centre to discover the plants thriving there and the many insects who have found a home in this lush green setting.